Dog Poop Scooping Service Near Me in Kansas City 15
The Doodie Soldiers: A Truly Local Business

Founded in early 2008 the Doodie Soldiers were created to fill a void in the local KC market. Until our inception poop scooping, at least in Kansas City, was considered a luxury service. Our goal was to provide that “luxury service” but at an affordable rate.  For nearly 2 decades we’ve done just that. We take great pride in knowing that over the years we have made life easier for thousands of local dog owners by eliminating the most hated chore of all time…scooping dog poop.

We would like to invite you to do what several of your friends, family members, co-workers, and neighbors have already done…join our business family. Give us a try…you will love what we doo-doo!!

Ready To Enjoy Your Yard Without The Dirty Work?